Health Update

I began this blog of mine in 2017 after facing a year long battle with Candida overgrowth, leaky gut syndrome, eosinophilic esophagitis and more. I became more disciplined, strong, and dedicated to my healing than I thought possible. I successfully healed my body through diet, supplementation, strength, and more tears than you can imagine. Living with pain every day takes a serious toll on a person’s spirit and I was willing to do anything to not let it continue. It was easily the most difficult experience of my life, and if you have been following my blog since its inception, you know exactly what I endured.

In Mid-September of this year, the harsh realities of life and the world began to take a toll on me. I lost a close friend of 13 years, my country, Iran, began a brutal war with its oppressive murderous government, I lost another pet, and in the midst of stress and sadness about all of these events, my stomach pain returned. I was praying and hoping that it would resolve quickly, but it has been over a month now and I’m still experiencing this pain that is all too familiar to me. Although I am not 100% certain the pain is caused by another episode of Candida Overgrowth, I have begun taking steps to treat it on my own, until I can get to my doctor for blood work to confirm.

When I went through this in 2016 and 2017, it controlled my life for an entire year. I suffered immensely and as heartbroken as I am to be feeling this pain again, I know what I need to do. I have begun a Candida Cleanse using the same protocol that I did back then. While I detail my experiences all throughout this blog, some places you can start if you’re new to this page and curious about my story are here, and here. For information about the protocol including diet, supplements, and more, click here and follow the appropriate links.

Although I always strive to be mindful of my diet and what I put into my body, over the years since I have healed, I have allowed myself more varieties of food and created recipes using ingredients other than those on the Candida diet. I have tons of Candida-friendly recipes on this blog, but also some that are not. I was Candida-free for almost 6 years, and now that I am experiencing some symptoms again, I will be developing and sharing new recipes in the coming weeks. Stay tuned, and be well.

Rest in Peace to my dear friend Rich Stone, to my angel Betta Fish, Bunny Tully-Almasi, and to Mahsa Amini, and all the Iranians who are losing their lives in their courageous fight for Freedom.

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